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The Mural Writer

The Mural Writer

The unlikely story of an outcast who fulfilled an extraordinary purpose
BuchKartoniert, Paperback


Some people just can't catch a break. Born and raised in a chicken coop, brain-damaged by scarlet fever, and blamed for the death of his baby brother, Ed Lantzer became what everyone expected him to be: unworthy of love and unable to give it. Knowing no other way, he made sure he lived up to this label by concealing his feelings for his wife and children, eventually abandoning them and setting off in search of his purpose-a purpose he was sure existed, even though he had no idea what it was. He couldn't write and his only skills involved working with wood, but he had a gift. When he put two pieces of wood together, something magical happened, and people noticed. But Ed continued to sabotage himself and lost everything, until one day his purpose was revealed. This enormous task involved complicated mathematical formulas, esoteric knowledge, and an ability to see in ways inaccessible to normal human beings. And it required that he live the rest of his life in seclusion, deprivation, and complete faith. The result was a masterpiece so exceptional, so profound, that it stands alone in the world. Ed's amazing journey will inspire some to renew their faith. It will move others to understand the power of love. Ultimately, this is a story that pulls those hidden emotions and secrets from deep down inside our hearts and brings them to the surface. It tells us we're not alone and that we are loved more than we could possibly have dreamed. We are all born into this world with a purpose. We just need to be quiet and listen for it. Can you hear yours?
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EinbandKartoniert, Paperback
Seiten392 Seiten
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LaShelle VanHouten was born and raised in Kalkaska, Michigan. She is the mother of two children, Kaleigh and Ty, and the Grandmother of Elliana. She is married to Ken VanHouten and they live in Eastport, Michigan. The two dreams that she had during her childhood were that her life would involve the arts and that she would make a difference in the lives of other people.

LaShelle studied art at Northwestern Michigan College and has been working as a freelance artist and muralist for twenty-five years. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Family Life Education and a Master of Arts degree in education.

LaShelle has worked as an art teacher for Kalkaska Public Schools for over ten years. Eight of those years were spent using the arts to touch the lives of at-risk adolescents. During that time LaShelle and her students took on several mural projects for the community. Some of the projects included painting two large murals for The National Trout Festival, which are used as a backdrop for the grandstand. They also painted a mural, which measured 45' wide by 12' long, of Mackinaw Island's Grand Hotel for Fitch's School of Dance.

The day LaShelle was introduced to Ed Lantzer was a life changing moment. She began taking her students that were considered "troubled" to Mr. Ed's workshop for two hours a day. This lasted for two years. During those two years everyone had the opportunity to learn from a true artist. Mr. Ed not only taught LaShelle and her students about art, but also about life. LaShelle considers this a changing point in her life. She decided to engage in this project to help her students, but came away from it as a more mature person and artist. Mr. Ed's gift as a mentor and friend will be something she will always treasure.

LaShelle's belief is that any student can use the arts as a vehicle to find a place in this world. She currently teaches art at Kalkaska High School. LaShelle has walked the path towards her childhood dreams, and with God's help, she will continue the journey.